Back in the Saddle.

Jay has completed his move back to Indiana to focus more time on cycling and the writing of our second book, "Pedaling for Pizza, a Second Slice". We have been having regular training rides and Sunday June 7th was our first tour of the cycling year. The inaugural June Bug ride in Shelbyville IN. It was a beautiful day in east central Indiana. We had a headwind for 30 miles but had a fun return trip with a tailwind. This ride will be remembered for the mechanical problems. It all started in the parking lot as Mark and Zach Smith, aka "the Smith Bros", where putting air in Mark's tire. Enthusiasticaly Zach pulled the entire stem out of the tube. Later in the day Jay had a flat. But 2 important developements emerged. First, we sent off our foreign correspondents, The Smith Brothers, accross the pond to sample European pizza and bring back reports and ratings for "Second Slice." Second, we established the need for an appendix to the next book covering favorite ice cream spots. We concluded the ride with a stop at the world famous Cow Palace for a double thick chocolate malt. 4 1/2 spoke out of 5 on the pizza scale. Just a warm up and preview of the upcoming XOBA, Ice Cream Tour the end of July.


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